DB Shoes - So perfect for wider feet!
Footwear manufacturing in the United Kingdom has seen a significant decline in recent years, though there is one brand fighting back - and they are not leaving comfort behind! Specialising in wider, deeper fitting shoes, DB operate out of a factory in Rushden, Northamptonshire and have been doing so for over a century, recently celebrating their 100th birthday which earned them a feature on BBC news. You can read the article here.

DB was founded in 1920 by identical twin brothers Jack & Bill Denton. The brand has been passed down the generations and is now a family legacy in the hands of identical twin grandsons, David & Charles Denton who reinvented DB after discovering a niche in the market .. wider fitting shoes that retained functionality and style! Since then the business has thrived and is only heading forward.
This shoe is Healy available in different widths - ranging from £84.95 - £89.95.
DB shoes are meticulously designed by skilled craftsmen using both traditional techniques and modern machinery, either way they endure rigorous quality control and are built to last! The shoes are developed with custom lasts that have deep, wider toe boxes ensuring comfort in the toe area. A feature of many DB shoes is the ability to remove the insole, creating more depth and allowing you to use your own custom inserts should you choose to. Super stretchy, lightweight Jill is an ideal house shoe for older feet - click here to view.
At ShoeMed we always highlight the importance of falls prevention for older people in their homes, as this is where many serious falls can occur. The result of these falls can be a broken hip, which will lead to a long period of hospitalisation. Particularly in these times with the risk of COVID-19 and the physical weakness which is the result of bed confinement - this is the last thing we want to see happen.
For women, the 'Jill' is an amazing shoe for this purpose - it has a soft, stretchy, lightweight upper so for feet which are more 'at risk' of rubbing or wounds on the top this is ideal. There is a strap fastening and a good sole for the right amount of grip. For men, we have 'Jason' which offers the same features.